Sunday, January 3, 2010


Well, it appears to be that time of year again....resolutions. I do have a few things this year that I would really like to improve upon.
1. I would really like to exercise more. I'm shooting for 3-4 times a week of the gym and/or home workouts. Not only do I want to shed about 15 pounds for the wedding, but I want to make some time for myself to feel energized. I would like the workouts to be an hour, but I won't be disappointed if it's only 20-30 minutes.
2. I want to do a better job of meal planning. I hate coming home from work with the "What's for dinner?" question in the air. I have started using my google calendar to help me plan it out.
3. I want to start more home improvement projects. I LOVE home improvement projects. We have a lot of things to do on our house and I would like to start moving on them instead of just sitting on my couch.
4. I want to start spending more quality time with TJ. Sometimes we just get so caught up with "things that need to get done"....probably more me than him. So, I would like that to change.

Wish me luck!