Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Engaged Groom

I don't really know how involved typical grooms are in their wedding planning. Maybe some help with addressing invitations, or the typical transportation/honeymoon/music tradition. I have an "Engaged Groom" on my hands.

TJ has been involved in EVERY aspect of the wedding, ok, I take that back, I picked out my wedding gown and bridesmaid dresses. He has been to every vendor meeting (over 10 so far), had input on the flowers, centerpieces, chair covers, and attended a wedding invitation class held at Archivers. We have worked on invitation wording, fonts, and margins. He has researched the honeymoon, booked the flights, and found the average weather forecast. I don't think there is one aspect of the wedding that he hasn't helped me with (or am I helping him?).

We both have strong opinions and we make sure to let each other know :) Plus, we want the wedding to be awesome! I guess it's nice to have someone as involved as TJ is...then I can always take a break if I need.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wedding plans & life

Yes, I know I have been lacking in my blogging...sorry! We are a little over 3 months away from the big day....that crazy!!! The time went by so quickly! We still have some things to plan (flowers, cakes, and invitations). All of these things are not my favorite. I like flowers, but I don't like flowers enough to spend boat loads of $ on them. I don't even eat cake, but since we are having cake as our centerpieces, I guess I care how they look. As far as invitations, I am making them myself (and no, I'm not crafty, and I hate any type of "scrapbook" activity), so that's not super fun for me.

On the upside, I tried on my dress and I had forgotten how awesome it is! I think I've found my jewelry, and I already have a borrowed veil and new shoes. I think I know how I want to wear my hair. Now all I have to do is get in shape before my first dress fitting next month!

TJ and I have merged the houses (minus a twin bed frame we couldn't fit in the moving truck that is left at the condo). It's kind of bittersweet. No, the condo is not sold, and no we haven't had any offers, and I'm listing it for less than what I owe on the mortgage. We are really stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't afford to drop the price because I can't bring 10's of thousands of $ to closing. I don't have that kind of cash sitting around, especially paying for a wedding. It's been on the market for more than a year, and has been a stressor for me since then. I can't do a short sale because you have to prove you don't have any money. Well, I have money to pay for it monthly, I just don't want this property anymore. I want to move on and be done with it. TJ and I have a new life in a bigger home that I love.

Some people have said that I should just go into foreclosure and let the bank take it. I would never do something like that. It's just not who I am. I would prefer to take out a loan so I can drop the price to where it will sell, and use the loan money to bring to closing. Then I could just pay the loan each month versus a mortgage on a vacant property. I have asked my condo association for me to be able to rent out the condo, just a temporary provision while this housing market recovers. I wouldn't make $ off of a renter, but a least it would give me some financial relief in this situation. They said "no" and did not offer any explanation.

So, this is what I continue to work on, selling the condo and planning my wedding.

If you know ANYONE who is interested in a 2 bedroom, 2 full bath, private garage condo, 1.5 miles from downtown Naperville....please let me know!!! Here the link to the listing: